Simple Steps to a Plant-Based Lifestyle
Many people, including patients, are told to eat 'better', eat more fiber from vegetables and fruit, avoid high fat and salt etc. Whether it is the physician or nutritionist the prescription is much the same; unfortunately, it is a prescription that can't be filled in the pharmacy! This is where this book comes in. Medical practitioners and nutritionists tell patients what to eat; we show them HOW to do it so they experience the DELICIOUS wonders of whole food plant based cuisine that is the centerpiece of a Plant-Based Lifestyle.
A plant-based diet lifestyle begins with food choices, but also includes several other alternative and holistic aspects that keep our bodies in balance, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. This Lifestyle includes eating healthy foods, hydrating our bodies properly, moderate exercise that research has shown to be highly effective in healing our bodies and moving us forward to health and wellness. Everyone has the potential to live long, healthy and happy lives, with no side effects from invasive treatments and pharmaceutical drugs.
This book sets out the steps in a journey towards a Plant Based Lifestyle. Based upon personal experience, these are the steps she and her husband followed to regain their health and vitality. Starting in her early 60’s and now over 70, Nancy Stein became Chef Nancy and has become a well-known and proficient Plant Based Chef.
Reversing disease is just part of the story. Their journey has resulted in this book and several lines of business focused on Health, Wellness and Longevity. Young or old, it is never too late to begin to restore and maintain your health.
This book presents the steps necessary to journey into the world of Health & Wellness that a Plant Based Lifestyle represents. Food selection guidelines and instructions help encourage you to create your own delicious recipes.
A quote from Charlotte Gerson from the Gerson Institute: “You can't keep one disease and heal two others - when the body heals it heals everything”