Why Do People Ignore Nutritional Facts and Continue to Eat a Deadly Diet?
The FACTS are out there and now being echoed by Nutritional Guidelines everywhere; a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle is Better for Your Health, Wellness and Longevity. Even medical institutions, who have long ignored any impact of nutrition on health are on board. Kaiser Permanente, in California, and the USDA are recommending more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and reducing/eliminating overly-processed foods. While they still include dairy and meat, they have no choice but to include those deadly options with the healthier ones. The government and most of the medical industry is controlled by the big pharmaceuticals, massive animal agriculture and the food industry that produces the products that are making Americans Fat, Sick and nearly Dead!
Most Americans, if questioned and they answer truthfully, realize that eating the Standard American Diet, fast food, processed food, too much fat, salt and sugar are NOT good for them. They KNOW that they should eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds but continue to avoid proper nutrition.
There are as many excuses as there are people; they all seem to have what, to them, are valid sensible reasons why they eat crap, get sick and take a plethora of prescription and Over-The-Counter drugs. Many just say that “if this was important my doctor would tell me”! Well that is mostly bullshit as most doctors get NO Nutritional education in school and few expend the energy to Learn. It is too easy for them to grab the prescription pad and write a script for some drug or another to address a patients Symptoms and never spend a second to understand the Cause; the WHY is their patient sick?
If you examine your local grocery store shelves (especially the ‘dairy case’) you will see more and more food/products with non-GMO labels. People know that eating Round-Up and glyphosate laced foods is NOT HEALTHY. The demand for non-Dairy products, meat alternatives and cheese alternatives are growing by leaps and bounds. Savvy investors are getting on-board and making fortunes with this accelerating trend.
There are more and more ‘Organic’ labeled foods popping up everywhere. Whole Foods Market, Natural Grocers and others have been continuing to grow their market share. Large grocery chains like Publix (based in Florida) have entire product lines of organic foods and are opening up Organic Only stores under their brand of ‘Greenwise’. Farmers are getting on the band-wagon as well; converting their lands into organic growth fields. One such near us is Crown Jewel Farms in Lake Wales Florida where they offer (in season) blueberries and other delicious fruits and vegetables.
Even with ALL this evidence, the products available and the utter and total failure of the medical industry, people continue to eat crap, get sick and die too young. This current generation of kids and adults may be the first to NOT outlive their parents. THINK ABOUT THAT!
The excuses are endless. Faced with the facts and obvious healthier aspects of those who follow a Whole Food Plant Based Diet/Lifestyle, people continue to ignore this and continue to eat crap, get sick and die! Fast Food joints continue to exist and unfortunately prosper; despite the Documented Evidence, Movies/Documentaries and more. It is enough to drive one insane when faced with the obstinate attitude and total disregard for personal/family health and wellbeing.
But I guess it is understandable. Meat, Fish, Dairy and the Egg industries are fighting a vicious battle with false information and lies. They fund ‘studies’ that present outcomes they pre-determine to support their continued production of toxic products. Law suites against the likes of Monsanto, where they Loose Billions, have no effect. That is the power of corruption, money and malfeasance of these companies and the politicians and government bureaucrats they seem to Own. When presented with ‘evidence’ supporting eating animal products, ALWAYS ask to see Who Funded the Study!
Then there are the ‘diet gurus’ who are making fortunes promoting deadly diets that seem to work now but kill off the customers later; after the books have been bought and paid for! It seems that few, after decades of outright Failures, people continue to support the idiocy of diets and flit from one to another, buying the books, programs and products along the way. Diets NEVER WORK, never have, never will. By definition they are ‘temporary’ fixes to a self-inflicted problem in Nutrition. Only Lifestyle Changes can possibly impact the long-term health, wellness and longevity of a person; not the latest fad diet book/product.
I guess it is no wonder people are confused. That is the PLAN created by these nefarious money-grubbing assholes. Keep people coming back and when they tire of one diet, create a new one; possibly more dangerous than the last. Keep them fat, sick and nearly dead so people are desperate and will grab any lie/solution offered to them; no matter that they never, EVER work. It is the ‘Hope of Health’ that continually lures people into the clutches of these charlatans and how they obfuscate the TRUTH that it out there for people to discover.
Distinguishing the faker from the Fact is difficult and requires some Effort/Work to determine the TRUTH. If you study, just a bit, like we have for the past 10+ years, the best, most effective and inexpensive way to live/eat is to follow a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle. Not the extreme ones, as there are many, but a mainstream approach that has no crazy restrictions and only suggests that eating vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds are the best, cheapest and most healthy way to eat and provide your body with the complete nutrition it needs to, not just survive, but to THRIVE.
Learn to Enjoy the vast benefits that this Lifestyle approach offers. The Health, Wellness and Longevity that is your reward will not only benefit you but your family, friends and associates. You will always have energy, seldom (if ever) get sick and enjoy an active healthy life until it is your time.
Live Long and Prosper!
Why Do People Ignore Nutritional Facts and Continue to Eat a Deadly Diet?
Diets NEVER WORK, never have, never will. By definition they are ‘temporary’ fixes to a self-inflicted problem in Nutrition. It is the ‘Hope of Health’ that keeps them fat, sick and nearly dead so people are desperate and will grab any lie/solution offered to them; no matter that they never, EVER work.
Only Lifestyle Changes can possibly impact the long-term health, wellness and longevity of a person; not the latest fad diet book/product. It is a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle that has been proven, time and again, to promote health, wellness and longevity!